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Miguel De La Torre

A Terrorist by Any Other Name

January 12, 2023 by Miguel De La Torre

Robert Gregory Bowers walked into L’Simcha Congregation (Tree of Life synagogue) in Pittsburg, on October 27, 2018, and shot unarmed worshippers. Eleven died and seven (including the gunman) were injured. One need not be a Jew to recognize Bowers as a terrorist. On August 5,…

How Two SCOTUS Cases Could Strengthen White Affirmative Action

January 5, 2023 by Miguel De La Torre

Imagine applying for admission to your ideal university or for that perfect job, only to be turned away because someone lacking your work ethic, skills or intelligence is given your spot because of their skin pigmentation. An injustice exists whenever a person, based solely on…

A Tale of Two Christians

December 6, 2022 by Miguel De La Torre

I write these words sitting on an old, uncomfortable, wooden pew in an almost 500-year-old cathedral nestled at the foot of a volcano and adjacent to Lake Atitlán. When my conquistador ancestors entered the Mayan village named “house of the birds,” they tore down the…

When the Oppressed Become Oppressors

November 17, 2022 by Miguel De La Torre

Probably no group has suffered more over the centuries at the hands of Christianity than Jews. A simple grumbling in some Medieval village about the “killers of Jesus” was all it took to ignite a bloody demonic fury resulting in unimaginable carnage. For centuries, it…

When Evil Votes

November 2, 2022 by Miguel De La Torre

he people have gone mad. There really is no other way to explain it. Why else would they vote for an individual or party which has declared itself to be fascists while wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross? Can they not see that…

How Should Christians Work to Overcome Oppression?

October 24, 2022 by Miguel De La Torre

Is it ethical for people of color within the U.S. who claim to be disciples of Christ to engage in violence against oppressors? The reality is that people of color are already living within a violent situation. According to a five-year study, unarmed people of color…

What’s in a Name?

October 16, 2022 by Miguel De La Torre

As Hispanic Heritage Month comes to a close, many wonder what the correct nomenclature to use. Is it Hispanic, or Latino, or Latino/a, or Latin@, or Latinoa, or Latinx? If the first step toward liberation is self-naming, then the fact that we are unable to…


December 14, 2020 by Miguel De La Torre

The six white men who lead the seminaries of the Southern Baptist Convention released a joint statement on November 30th denouncing Critical Race Theory. Specifically, they “declare[d] that affirmation of Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and any version of Critical Theory is incompatible with the Baptist Faith…

The Pedagogical Problem with White Professors

December 21, 2017 by Miguel De La Torre

A few years ago, during a search for a New Testament professor, I asked two questions during the interview – two questions I ask of every candidate for a position with our institution regardless of rank or discipline. The first is innocent enough: “How important…

The death of Christianity in the U.S.

November 13, 2017 by Miguel De La Torre

Christianity has died in the hands of Evangelicals. Evangelicalism ceased being a religious faith tradition following Jesus’ teachings concerning justice for the betterment of humanity when it made a Faustian bargain for the sake of political influence. The beauty of the gospel message — of…