2005 Honorable Mention in Educational Books by Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada




Introduces readers to a broad range of ethical issues from the perspective of marginalized peoples. It explores marginalized views of global issues like poverty, war, and the environment as well as business issues such as corporate accountability and affirmative action. A hermeneutical circle for ethics is used to explore each of these areas, and is followed by case studies and questions to stimulate discussion and reflection.





“This is a very interesting book, one that I recommend without hesitation to all those interested in current debate on Christian Ethics . . . De La Torre has managed to produced a very original, complex yet comprehensible, accessible and stimulating book . . . [I]t helps to understand how a superpower should be questioned through a Christian ethical perspective, while encouraging other readers, in an indirect way, to do theology and ethics by bringing together theological resources and their newspapers.  An intelligent and nuanced book: highly recommended.”

– Marcella M. Althaus-Reid, University of Edinburgh



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